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January 2019

Is a Payday Loan a ‘Cash Advance’ in Bankruptcy?

Many New York bankruptcy debtors take out payday loans to cover costs before receiving their actual paychecks. I’ve written about these types of loans frequently, particularly the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s attempts to limit them from becoming “debt traps.” Aside from driving debtors into bankruptcy, another place where payday loans can intersect with bankruptcy is …

Is a Payday Loan a ‘Cash Advance’ in Bankruptcy? Read More »

Refiling in Chapter 13 After Case #1 Doesn’t Work Out

It’s common for debtors in chapter 13 New York bankruptcy cases to face challenges completing their repayment plans. These challenges are frequently the same kind that bring them to bankruptcy in the first place: lost jobs, medical emergencies, or unexpected vehicle costs. Often, they take the options of asking the bankruptcy court to agree to …

Refiling in Chapter 13 After Case #1 Doesn’t Work Out Read More »

Stripping a Lien Is Not the Same as Avoiding a Lien

New York bankruptcy debtors can sometimes be confused by bankruptcy terminology, one such example is the difference between “stripping” a lien and “avoiding” a lien. Both processes affect liens, but in very different ways and different contexts. Here’s the distinction. In chapter 13, a New York bankruptcy debtor can try to strip, that is, eliminate, …

Stripping a Lien Is Not the Same as Avoiding a Lien Read More »

Social Security Is Exempt From Bankruptcy, Unless…

Older chapter 7 New York bankruptcy debtors almost always ask if cash from their Social Security incomes are exempt in bankruptcy. The general answer is yes, Social Security income is exempt in bankruptcy and won’t count towards means test totals. In other words, bankruptcy treats Social Security income as though it wasn’t there. The policy …

Social Security Is Exempt From Bankruptcy, Unless… Read More »

If I Get Married Will I Owe My Spouse’s Debts?

Debt can cause serious concerns for romantic couples. One question that can create anxiety in one partner is whether getting married will make him or her liable for his or her partner’s debts. Given that it’s not uncommon for many couples to have unequal debts, assets, and incomes, it’s a topic that comes up frequently. …

If I Get Married Will I Owe My Spouse’s Debts? Read More »

Who Were Chapter 13 New York Bankruptcy Debtors in 2017?

2017 is pretty far in the rearview mirror, but it’s still the most recent year for which the federal courts have provided data via the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act Report (BAPCPA Report). The tables in this report can help New York bankruptcy lawyers and debtors get an idea of just who chapter …

Who Were Chapter 13 New York Bankruptcy Debtors in 2017? Read More »

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