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June 2014

It’s Not Always Worthwhile to Pay Off a Chapter 13 Plan Early

For people who’ve filed chapter 13 bankruptcy attorney Brooklyn NY ,  the question of whether to pay off the repayment plan early sometimes arises. It’s a tempting idea. Repayment plans don’t leave much discretionary income for debtors, and escaping the process can feel like a reward in itself. However, there are a few reasons to …

It’s Not Always Worthwhile to Pay Off a Chapter 13 Plan Early Read More »

Fed Survey Finds Widespread Ignorance on Student Loan Collections

Although it’s difficult to discharge student loan debt in a New York bankruptcy, there is good news for student debtors: President Barack Obama recently acted to accelerate changes to the underused income-based repayment program for debtors with federal student loans, called pay-as-you-earn (PAYE). Going forward, many people who borrowed a federal loan before 2007 will …

Fed Survey Finds Widespread Ignorance on Student Loan Collections Read More »

Supreme Court Holds Inherited IRAs Not (Directly) Exempt in Bankruptcy

If it was unclear whether an inherited individual retirement account (IRA) could be excluded from a New York bankruptcy, the U.S. Supreme Court has settled the issue. The topic came up late last year when the Court decided to hear the case. The lawsuit was between the bankruptcy petitioners, Heidi Heffron-Clark and Brandon Clark, and …

Supreme Court Holds Inherited IRAs Not (Directly) Exempt in Bankruptcy Read More »

Why Convert a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy to Chapter 7?

Most New York bankruptcies are filed in chapter 7 because debtors have mainly unsecured consumer debts and don’t have the income for a chapter 13 repayment plan to be feasible. Others, though, prefer the benefits of chapter 13, but once they’re partway into it, they find that chapter 7 might be a better fit after …

Why Convert a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy to Chapter 7? Read More »

How to Deal With Creditors Who Violate the Discharge Injunction

Discharge of debts is one of the primary goals of a New York bankruptcy, particularly chapter 7 filings. Covered in Section 524 of the Bankruptcy Code, the full name of the term is “discharge injunction,” which means it legally forbids anyone (creditors) from enforcing claims for payment against the debtor. That does not, however, mean …

How to Deal With Creditors Who Violate the Discharge Injunction Read More »

How Income Increases Can Affect a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

I recently discussed the four ways a chapter 13 New York bankruptcy repayment plan can be modified. The four mechanisms aren’t necessarily the same thing as the reasons parties to the repayment plan might be interested in modifying it. One reason that concerns debtors is if either the trustee or the creditors will move the …

How Income Increases Can Affect a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Read More »

What Are the Benefits of a 100 Percent Chapter 13 Repayment Plan?

One might think that the answer to that question is “nothing,” but that’s not true. It is sometimes worthwhile for debtors to file chapter 13 New York bankruptcy intending to pay their creditors in full even if the discharge isn’t really necessary—a filing referred to as a 100 percent repayment plan. Obviously it doesn’t happen …

What Are the Benefits of a 100 Percent Chapter 13 Repayment Plan? Read More »

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