Since setting up a Twitter account (, I’ve acquired a number of followers who are both nice and interesting.
However, there are two categories of Twitter followers who are more persistent than others and who I block every time:
- Representatives of the oldest profession, and
- Debt settlement and debt management companies
(I apologize for having to put #1 in the same list as #2 as it clearly besmirches the reputation of #1.)
I thought perhaps it was worth taking a closer look at these persistent harassers in the Twitter-sphere. In deciding which category to focus on, I’ve determined that my New York bankruptcy lawyer background makes me primarily qualified as a commenter on category #2, i.e., debt settlement and debt management companies.
Now let’s take a look at some of my recent Twitter “friends” (so that you don’t have to):
1. “government_loan” and “_debt_solution” and “debt_secured_”: It turns out these three are related. Their feeds consists entirely of cliches and platitudes that most likely are being copied from a proverbs website somewhere. (Or even more likely, are being posted by an automated software program.) A click through to the link they provide takes you first to a page that offers a free book of “7 Sexy Twittering Secrets.” (See? Not so far off from Category #1 after all.) And a link at the bottom to “Debt Consolidation Government Loan” takes you to “The Expressway to Freedom from Debt.” No names of contact people or even of a company name. Sure, let’s give them control of our finances. What could go wrong?
2. Debt1Solutions: A combination of random posts that are either quotes on the topic of debt or else inane comments about new blogs, e.g., “Blog up about Michael Jackson doctor’s debt problems, could this explain his actions. Debt problems will drag you down.” Um, thanks. Most disturbing about Debt1Solutions page is that in the “Website” field, all I can see is “http://[unsafe l…” and the link has been rendered un-clickable by the wholesome folks at Twitter.
3. bankruptcybgone: Lastly is a Twitter follower who lands right in the middle of categories #1 and #2 named “bankruptcybgone.“ Sounds innocent enough, but its Twitter page is accompanied by a headshot of a rather buxom young woman. No accompanying links. Not sure what to make of it other than I don’t think she’s going to have the desired affect on your finances that you may be seeking.
All of this is hopefully telling you what you already know about debt settlement and debt management companies. Namely, that they’re bad options.
If you are seeking thoughtful, intelligent, strategic help with bankruptcy in Manhattan, bankruptcy in Brooklyn, bankruptcy in Queens or fair debt collection practices act, please feel free to contact me for a free initial consultation. I’ll answer all of your questions and lay out all of your options so that you really do have a “debt solution,” don’t need a “government loan” and are able to make “bankruptcybgone.”